H for …..Hint?

Why the title of the post says, HINT?

Being weekend, I thought to make H a fun letter and therefore I have created 5 short and sweet riddles for you.

And the hint is – Answer of every riddle starts with H 🙂

Good luck and waiting for you to fill up comment box…

Here you go –

1. Gone are the days when I used to be a physical place
Now a days, I am where your heart is…

2. I live until you think something is possible.
I am dead when you don’t believe in yourself and magic…

3. People find me when they are under stress
I become kind and try to bless…But not always 🙂

4. Pain gives it and smile takes it back
In love, you are surely going to experience it…

5. While automating everything, I forgot I am an emotional creature
While exploring the concrete jungle, I realised, I wanted nature back….

P.S. : This is the eighth post for A to Z Challenge April 2022. You can expect 18 more hammers over next few days. and you can have a look at past posts here

image source : gooogle.com

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