K for …K

Bored with my rhyming, going nowhere, hard tried poems?
Let’s have some fun while we are already in middle of week…

Here is the work for your mind today.
Hint :
1. Each word is starting with K and number shows number of letters in the word.
2. Hint for the word has been hidden in the sentence itself

Waiting for you to try it once.
One is already done for you…GOOD LUCK !

Keen (4) you are today to see whats new

___ (3) is to unlock happiness and

___ (3) is to play with all time

_____ (5) is to chop those shades of sadness and

____ (4) is to jump high and strike with glow

_______ (7) is where the thoughts are cooked and

_____ (5) is where travel on water is balanced

____ (4) is the one who teaches to be brave

____ (4) is the one who teaches to be human

____ (4) shows you how to fly high and

____ (4) shows you life is always a new struggle

____ (4) your mind focused to resolve this

_________ (9) is the only information you can have

_____ (5) it to have smoother hints and

_______ (7) is yours if you get all of it right 🙂

P.S. : This is the eleventh post for A to Z Challenge April 2022. You can expect 15 more hammers over next few days. and you can have a look at past posts here

image source : google.com

4 thoughts on “K for …K

    1. Oh wow….you got 6 of them right….well done!
      Here are the answers –
      Key (3) is to unlock happiness and

      Kid (3) is to play with all time

      Knife (5) is to chop those shades of sadness and

      Kick (4) is to jump high and strike with glow

      Kitchen (7) is where the thoughts are cooked and

      Kayak (5) is where travel on water is balanced

      Kind (4) is the one who teaches to be human

      Kite (4) shows you how to fly high and

      Knot (4) shows you life is always a new struggle

      Keep (4) your mind focused to resolve this

      Knowledge (9) is the only information you can have

      Knead (5) it to have smoother hints and

      Kingdom (7) is yours if you get all of it right 🙂


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